The PRC Seminary's Dordt400 Conference began this evening (April 25), hosted by Trinity PRC in Hudsonville, MI.
Prof. R. Dykstra opened the Thursday night meeting with a warm welcome, Scripture reading (Eph.1), and prayer. The audience also sang from the Psalter. A large crowd was in attendance.
Prof. Dykstra then gave one of several historical presentations to be given throughout the conference on various aspects of the Synod of Dordt and its work. He began by answering the question, "Who was Jacob Arminius?"
Rev. Angus Stewart then gave the first main speech of the conference, on "The Canons as the Original Five Points of Calvinism." He demonstrated from the Canons that the Reformed fathers were answering Arminianism's 5 points and thus developed what we have come to know as TULIP - total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints (or "ULTIP", if you follow Dordt's order!) - all based squarely on the Word of God.
After closing devotions (Rev. V. Ibe from the Berean PRC in the Philippines), the crowd gathered in the fellowship room for good food and conversation.
Others enjoyed the Dordt artifacts and a special Dordt400 t-shirt.
We hope you will join us Friday morning at 8:30 am, as a full day of presentations, speeches,a nd fellowship is planned!