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The Purpose and Principles of Eschatology


The Fall 2019 issue of the PRT Journal has been published and is now available in both print and digital copies. Four of the articles focus on eschatology, the study of the last things, which all center on the returning Jesus Christ.

One of the articles is on a subject of perennial discussion and controversy in the church world, including the Reformed and Presbyterian church world - the millennium. Rev. R. Kleyn tackles this matter with biblical clarity and integrity, and readers will profit from his treatment, even if they disagree with him.

Before he delves into the subject, Rev. Kleyn points out the purpose of eschatology and three basic principles concerning the last things. We post that here, encouraging you to read the rest of his article as well as the others in this Fall issue of the PRTJ.

The study of eschatology is not an “abstract arm-chair study,” in which we try to figure out and unlock mysteries concerning the future that have nothing to do with us today. Instead, the study of eschatology puts before us the main calling that we have to watch and be ready for the day of the Lord.
In the study of eschatology, there are three main principles or foundational truths that we should keep in mind. First, the Bible teaches that there is only one future coming of Jesus Christ (Rev.22:12-13). That coming will mark the end of all things as we know them, will bring the final judgment, and will result in the creation of the new heavens and the new earth. Second, there are identifiable signs of the coming of Jesus Christ of which we must be aware as Christians. And, third, the kingdom and rule of Jesus Christ is not future and earthly, but present and spiritual. It is this third principle that we will be considering this evening as we look at the millennium from the very well known passage of Revelation 20:1-6.
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