From all of us here at PRTS, we wish you a blessed and spiritually prosperous new year (3 John 1:2)! Even though we are well into the new year and stand at the end of January 2025 already, we may profitably reflect on the beginning of a new year, committing our way consciously to our sovereign Savior and Lord (Psalm 37:3-5).
Knowing that we commit our way to our God and Father in prayer, we may benefit from this prayer that Prof. B. Gritters wrote for an editorial at the beginning of 2007. You will find the complete prayer in the Jan.1, 2007 issue of the Standard Bearer, the first section of which we quote here.
May it kindle in us the desire to live consciously before our God in 2025, seeking Him for His covenant mercies each day.
"Jehovah God of Israel, in heaven above or on earth beneath there is no God like Thee. Great God and Father of Jesus Christ, Thy believing people beseech blessing for the year coming, year of our Lord, 2007, this many years into the age of the new covenant. We, the congregation of Israel, the “city” Thou hast chosen, are from different lands and federations of churches who seek to be faithful to Thee and walk before Thee with all our heart. Redeemed by strong hand and stretched out arm from the furnace of iron, we are Thine inheritance. Thou hast broken the bands of our yoke. And made us to go upright.
"For blessing we ask. For a powerful word of favor for us, for our children, and for our churches we make supplication on the threshold of a new year. For spiritual dew and rain upon our land. For threshing that reaches to the vintage, and the vintage to the sowing time.
"We plead covenant blessings. Set Thy tabernacle among us. Let Thy soul cherish us. Have respect to us and make us fruitful. Multiply us. May the women be fruitful in the bearing of spiritual children: sons as plants grown up in their youth, daughters as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace.
"We entreat for victory. For strength to chase the enemies so they fall by the sword of Thy Spirit. For five chasing a hundred, and a hundred putting ten thousand to flight. We ask for faith, the victory over the world.
"Walk among us. Be our God; assure us that we are Thy people, apple of Thine eye. Open Thine eyes toward us night and day. O God, bless, be gracious. Show mercy."