The faculty of the PRC Seminary are holding a special conference on preaching this Thursday and Friday, Oct.28 and 29 and all are cordially invited - not only pastors and elders, but all who hear the preaching of God's Word each week.
Four speeches are planned, two for Thursday and two for Friday (4:00 and 7:30 p.m. each day). On Thursday Profs. D. Kuiper and B. Huizinga will be speaking. On Friday Profs. R. Cammenga and B. Gritters will speak. Refreshments will be served after the evening speeches.
The location is Trinity PRC in Hudsonville, MI. We hope that you can make it! For more details, see the flyer below.
"Let us now consider how many arts Satan employs to stop our course, and how slow to follow, and how soon wearied are those who are called. Consequently the gospel will not long maintain its place, if pastors do not urge it earnestly.
Moreover, this earnestness must relate both to the pastor and to the people; to the pastor, that he may not devote himself to the office of teaching merely at his own times and according to his own convenience, but that, shrinking neither from toils nor from annoyances, he may exercise his faculties to the utmost. So far as regards the people, there is constancy and earnestness, when they arouse those who are asleep, when they lay their hands on those who are hurrying in a wrong direction, and when they correct the trivial occupations of the world." (J. Calvin on 2 Timothy 4:2)
