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Seminary Dordt400 Conference - Friday, April 26, 2019


The welcome board at the PRC Seminary Dordt400 Conference, Trinity PRC

Friday April 26, 2019 was a full day at the PRC Seminary's Dordt400 conference at Trinity PRC in Hudsonville, MI. Prof. R. Dykstra once again presented PowerPoint talks on various aspect of Dordt's history and work, this time focusing on J. Bogerman, the president of the Synod, the foreign delegates who attended, the Staten Bijbel translation the Synod commissioned, the States General, and the Christian schools Dordt encouraged.

Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA) opened the main sessions with a speech on "Warring a Good Warfare with the Canons."

Rev. M. Shand from the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia was next, with the subject "The Unfeigned Call of the Gospel."

After lunch Prof. D. Kuiper gave the next speech, this time on "The Doctrine of the Covenant in the Canons."

Displays of special rare Synod of Dordt items at conference

Rev. W. Langerak followed him with a presentation on "The Polity of Dordt: Om Goede Orde in de Gemeente Christi te Onderhouden (Maintaining Good Order in the Church of Christ).

The evening session of the conference was opened by a special concert by the PRSO - Protestant Reformed Student Orchestra - led by Eric and Christa Phelps.

The final speaker Friday was Prof. R. Cammenga, who addressed the crowd on "Illustrating and Recommending the Grace of Election; Dordt's Doctrine of Reprobation."

The day and evening was also filled with sweet communion of the saints.

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